
The promise of things to come in the garden…

As gardeners, we think of the spring as a time of renewal.

Plants awaken from their long winter’s nap and begin the process of growing again.

But fall is also a time of renewal.

Here in Texas, our hot summer perennials are refreshed by ever-so-slightly cooler temperatures and a little bit of rain. Many of them begin a new bloom cycle until the first frost appears.

Fall bloomers, like fall Asters and Oxblood lilies also thrive.

And, our most precious Bluebonnets, the state flower and our February/March pride and joy, begin to grow delicate green foliage.

My Night-blooming Cereus is also experiencing a revival. This bud showed up 3 days ago and I’ve been checking it each night to see if I can capture it’s beautiful flower. The last time it bloomed in the spring, I actually missed 3 blooms at once because I forgot to check it one night. (There is little more disappointing as a gardener than missing such an infrequent bloom, only to find a limp little goose-neck looking spent bloom drooping down.)
These variegated dwarf Satusuma oranges are growing rounder and rounder and turning a little more orange than yellow. I can’t wait to taste them! (But it will still be a few months before our traditional citrus harvest here in Central Texas.)
And more Lycoris Radiata buds are forming in my flower beds. Some are hidden by other plants, and I have to push foliage aside to get a sneak peek at many of them.
I can only get a partial shot of this one, but isn’t she pretty?

There are many more promises of things to come in the garden. What are you looking forward to in your garden?

Signs of Fall in a Southern garden…

There are some traditional signs of Fall in the hot, southern garden. The Yaupon Hollies bring forth their beautiful red berries…
The mums begin to bloom…
The colors begin to turn on a few trees, like this Crape Myrtle…
And, my Moy Grande Hibisucus continues to bloom!
As does the Mexican Flame Vine.
And I picked a beautiful, juicy strawberry! October 28 — seriously!

Finally Fall…

It’s finally Fall here in Central Texas. Don’t get me wrong, we still have some hot days, but we are also enjoying some cooler nights, some rain and the sun has lost just a little of its “edge.”

How do I know it’s Fall? Because the Mexican Mint Marigolds (Tagetes lucida) have graced us with their perky little Fall blooms.
They grow all summer, getting full and bushy and lush with foliage, but display nary a bloom. Until the cool weather kicks in, that is, and then they burst like baby sunflowers.

This weird weather we’re having has both the Mexican Mint Marigold and the Cassia blooming at the same time. That’s never happened before. The Cassia is very tropical and a hot weather plant. It’s ok, I’ll take whatever blooms I can get, whenever I can get them!
On a glum note, how about this little guy? You’d never know he was a Green Envy Coneflower that I special ordered for some ridiculously high price, would you? He croaked not long after he arrived, succumbing to the drought and the intense heat. While his ordinary Coneflower neighbors were blooming away, he was wilting. He’s technically still alive. Maybe next year he’ll feel better. (I hope!)

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