I was delighted to read comments on my blog this afternoon and see that my friend Amy, a newer member of the Austin Bloggers group, has generously shared a blog award with me.

Thanks, Amy, of Go Away, I’m Gardening, for this little pre-Thanksgiving gift. I have to admit sometimes I am still surprised that there are people out there reading my blog at all! I love this garden community that transcends time and space and climate.

I must now pass this award on to other blogs who I think deserve such an award along with these instructions. Post the award on your blog along with the name of the person who passed it on to you and link to their blog. Choose blogs you think are great and pass it on to them.

So, my first passalong of the award goes to Robin, of Getting Grounded. Her blog is always interesting and beautiful and full of new ideas and plants that I haven’t tried yet in my shady spaces.

And my second passalong, goes to Janet, the Queen of Seaford, who has a Virginia garden blog, but has roots like mine in Texas and Germany. And she has digging dogs, so there’s that link, too. I love her sometimes tropical plantings, and always learn something new when I go to her blog.

There were so many blogs I could have chosen; I love reading them all, frankly, but that would have made my post WAY too long!

We’re in Indiana enjoying the holidays with family, so I send you Happy Thanksgiving wishes along with this photo of Nana’s Homemade Oyster Dressing before it went in the oven…yummm

Did I mention that I brought a plastic container with ripe tomatoes from Texas to Indiana in my suitcase yesterday? Boy are they good! And since tomato season here is long gone, they are a welcome treat!