So, here’s what winter looks like in Austin, Texas in January. No snow … no beautiful icicles dangling delicately from the pines. Just dry, brown, hibernating perennials waiting for a few short weeks to begin bursting forth again.

I took a long blog-hiatus (sorry, I should have just said so in early December!) and took a much-needed break from gardening for a while. But now, the days are in the mid-60s and the sun is shining and I am thinking about … yes, you’re hearing it right, pruning! We’ll see – I have a long list of non-gardening things to do — but I also have a *”plan”* for fencing off the vegetable garden to keep out the pests (especially my two adopted “pests” — otherwise know as “PETS!” I’m envisioning an arbor to go over the gate!

Look for more posts soon, including details about the Austin Garden Bloggers’ Spring Fling in April.