I’m ecstatic about the long-awaited arrival of these blue, blue morning glories. Months ago, when I planted the Mexican Flame Vine and the fucsia morning glories, I was so excited about putting these bright blue beauties in the ground. They were seeds, though, and the others were gallon plants, so I’ve had to be extremely patient. I even doubted myself for a while, thinking perhaps I’d been mistaken and actually plants pink ones or something!

Meet my newest addition! I was walking my dogs yesterday and stopped to talk gardening, admiring some whale’s tongue agaves, and came home with this gift. Those really are the best kind of plants, aren’t they? Those that are shared. I’m planning a new bed out back — some agaves and wildflowers in the natural area just beyond our wrought iron fence.
But before we can make a “natural” space, I have to take out the natural things that are already there! It’s just weeds and nasty grass right now, I just need to clear it so seeds can reach the ground.