Leaf me alone!

Doesn’t this look like a typical Fall picture?

Well, it’s Springtime in Texas, when the Live Oaks drop their leaves, produce a phenomenal amount of dusty, lime-green pollen that covers everything in sight, drop the pollen in ugly brown piles and then leaf out with delicate new green leaves.

Ugly brown pollen covers the patio.
Dying brown leaves mixed in with bright, new foliage.
A few little leaves on their last leg.

So far, I haven’t seen the caterpillars of the Oak Leaf roller yet. The normally arrive right in the middle of this leaf cycle, adding insult to injury with the mess by hanging from the trees, swaying in the breeze and getting in your hair! Ewwww.

Last year I posted about their arrival on March 29, so I know it won’t be long now.