We’ve had some uncharacteristically cold days and nights in Central Texas this year.  Winter arrived early and didn’t let up. 

I’ll admit, I do enjoy a little garden break.  But the garden still beckons me when the sun comes out and the weather warms just a little. 

As I look out, I see:

  • shrubs and perennials I’d like to prune,

(don’t those look terrible?)

  • weeds that are taunting me by growing right through the cold,

  • leaves calling my name (even though I will leave them there to protect plants),
  • the see-sawing back and forth of deciding whether or not to do some larger projects while things are dormant,
  • and piles of empty pots, unattended seed packets and a few dead plants in the garage – breaking the rules of everything having a place in the new cabinets.

But I also see:

  • bulbs peeking up out of the mulch, growing just as they should, working hard to be ready for spring,

  • winter-loving plants like the hellebores and quince getting ready to bloom, 

  • and the blue bonnet foliage growing and spreading.

I know what comes next, do you?  The rationalizing…

I think … oh, I still have plenty of time go take care of those chores … oh, it’s still pretty cold out – I don’t really want to be out there yet … oh, I should be doing indoor organizing chores …

You know the drill, I know you do.  Don’t those things go through your head as well?

Ah, the peace of winter and the promise of spring. (And just a little smidge of the guilt of gardening!)